Watch Gang, May 2017 - January 2021: Original illustrations, animated videos, and print/digital promo designs for the world's largest watch club.
July 2017 - March 2018: A collection of some supplemental materials illustrated and designed to accompany members' watch subscriptions.
July 2017 - March 2018: A collection of some supplemental materials illustrated and designed to accompany members' watch subscriptions.

February 2019 - December 2019 Postcards illustrated and designed to accompany members' watch subscriptions.

April 2018-January 2019: Folded posters/brochures illustrated and designed to accompany members' watch subscriptions.
April 2018-January 2019: Folded posters/brochures illustrated and designed to accompany members' watch subscriptions.

Membership Basics explainer video
Membership Basics explainer video
Watch Gang Points Explainer Video
Wheel of Watches Explainer Video
Throughout my time at Watch Gang, I edited hundreds of wrist watch photos like these. Vanguard was one of our exclusive brands at the time.
Throughout my time at Watch Gang, I edited hundreds of wrist watch photos like these. Vanguard was one of our exclusive brands at the time.

I designed sales presentations for investors and watch partners.
I designed sales presentations for investors and watch partners.